Arrived in Pa today around 5ish after decent driving from DC. There was some traffic around Philly so I was a little later getting in than planned but it wasn't too bad. They were doing camera test when I got here so there really wasn't anything for me to do. The Production Coordinator showed me around a bit and introduced me to some people. I followed a few different people around for a while, hung around in the kitchen, hung around in the office, just kind of hung around. Did get to say hi to the guys I know and I finally got to meet the ones I've been talking to on the phone for the last two months. So that was all good. I'm still trying to learn everyone's names and jobs, I'm sure I've forgotten most of them already. That should come pretty quick though, it usually does. And as long as I get them all straight before shooting starts I'll be good.
I was sent along with the crew to one of the locations to be a stand-in while they did camera tests there, so I didn't feel completely useless today! There was at least sitting around with a purpose. It was just weird watching the crew carry all of the lighting equipment and not being a part of that.
Tomorrow there's going to be a tech scout and I will eventually get moved into the place where I'm going to be staying. I'm not hugely sure about what I'll do on the tech scout but I figure it will be good to get a feel for everything. I also need to read the revised script. And just review the script in general.
That's pretty much it for day 1. The night ended with a midnight meal at the local diner and now I am more than ready for sleep. Hopefully the alarms will wake me, I'm terrible at waking up. And I'm sure tomorrow is going to be the first of many long days. But that's what coffee is for.