I really have been terrible about updating this blog. The Ft Myers film I was scripty for back in May went really well. I possibly would have posted if I had actually had access to the internet. As it was, I was offline for the month. June I spent in New York. I had a day working for the Ft. Myers film and then two weeks as an AC for a short a couple of friends were shooting. Both of those also went well. I was in New York through the 4th of July and got back to Florida last Monday.
And on to current things.
This weekend I'm scripty for a short filming in Ft. Lauderdale. It's only for today and tomorrow but it's something fun to fill the time with. The crew is pretty cool and I was happy to find that I had worked with a couple of the kids previously. The gaffer and the girl doing make-up were both in Ft Myers and I'm glad to be working with them again. They're very cool kids. I also know a couple of the guys helping out as grips. So good times there.
Coming up in August I'll be script once again for some friends on a film out in San Fransisco. I can't wait to get out there and the idea of working in San Fran is hugely exciting. I'm also just looking forward to working with these guys again. It's a film being produced by the 2nd AC and 2nd/1st AD from the film I did last fall. A few other people from that film will be on this one as well so I'll be getting to work with a lot of people that I just really like.
Ha, now if I could only find a few more jobs that paid a bit more my life would be perfect. I'm also excited about getting a decent number of scripty jobs, I'm just looking forward to getting more camera jobs as well. Hopefully that will start happening more as well.
But yes. Speaking of jobs and work and whatnot. I should get my things ready for tomorrow and get some sleep. It's a nice and early call.
When is morning?
3 weeks ago