So look, I write reviews about movies. I have a blog but I keep politics out of it. I'm normally very careful when it comes to staying on topic. Sure, I'm pretty socially liberal. I also believe that the Constitution is a great thing and I don't like Bush. However political ramblings aren't normally my thing.
Sometimes you need to break even your own rules.
I also could have written this weeks ago but honestly I really wanted to give Palin the benefit of the doubt. I learned quickly that she wasn't someone I'd agree with politically but that doesn't necessarily disqualify her from being a decent Vice Presidential candidate. However, after more research on my part and more interviews on hers, my mind has been made up.
I'm not really talking about Sarah Palin and why I don't like her though. I'm talking about why I don't like her as the selection for the Republican Vice Presidential nominee. There's a difference there.
Beyond all of the nonsense, all of the rhetoric, beyond the fact that I disagree with many of Palin's policies and political stances, I have one huge problem with her selection.
It's her gender.
Yeah, that's right, I don't like the fact that she's a chick.
The thing is, I feel like her selection was based almost solely on that fact. I don't think it had anything to do with credentials, competence, political savvy, or capability. It was an insulting move by the GOP to win over the female voters who supported Hillary. The logic behind the Palin choice seems to be "Hey, she's a woman so other women will vote for her!"
Come on? Really?
(Granted I also think it has to do with the fact that she's crazy conservative. But mostly I think it's the gender card.)
Of course I would love to see a woman VP. And woman President would be amazing. But. I would never base my decision of who to vote for solely on a person's gender. Gender does not trump all.
Have I mentioned that I find this insulting?
Personally, I want to be taken seriously. I want to get jobs. I want to succeed in my particular choice of career. But I want that success to be based on merit and talent. Not on my cleavage.
A woman being selected for something just because she's female is just as bad as a woman NOT being selected for something just because she's female. That's not what I'm working for. I'm working for equality. I'm working for respect. I'm working to be seen as an intelligent, qualified human being. I want gender to be taken out of the equation.
Realistic or not it's a goal to work towards.
This Palin nonsense goes right along with what I'm fighting against.
And I have to admit I feel bad for her! I can't help it. She is so clearly out of her league. Watching those Couric interview clips was just down right painful. Yes I was annoyed by Palin's answer to the passport question, which I found insulting for a whole different set of reasons. But that whole bit about Russia? The whole floundering for an example of why John McCain is such a "maverick"? (If I have to hear that word one more time in regards to this election so help me...). That all just hurt.
I don't agree with her ideology but that's nothing new when it comes to half of the politicians out there, regardless of whether or not they happen to like to wear a dress. I'd be creeped out by her but not horribly surprised or particularly bothered by her selection if that's all it was. I all ready know that I don't agree with McCain on a number of things so why would I expect to agree with his VP choice? It would have been nice but it wasn't expected.
It's beyond her stance on abortion or her opinions on proper sex education. It's beyond her gross misuse of government funds. It's beyond all of the normal ridiculous politics.
It's about how McCain, his advisors, and the Republican Party view women, our intelligence, our emotions, and our abilities. It proves that they are still completely set in a chauvinistic and condescending mindset. This is still the old Boys Club. They're not opening up the door for women; they're not letting us play the game. They're keeping us on their arms as another pretty accessory. To them all we're good for is filling the role of trophy wife. And lord save the ugly ones. Or the smart ones. Or the independent ones. Or any girl that refuses to play by their rules. Because in their world there's still no room for us. They're just trying to dupe us into believing that there might be.
Palin should stay in Alaska and deal with her Russian fly-byes. If the Republican Party wants this little girl to take them seriously they're going to have to do better than that. Their lack of respect for me has completely killed any chance of their gaining MY respect. Don't talk down to me, don't preach to me, don't insult me. Treat me like the thinking, decision making adult that I can occasionally be and trust that I am actually capable of sound judgment.
Yes, I want a woman to be President. But I want someone like Germany's Angela Merkel or even Pakistan's late Benazir Bhutto. I don't want some hockey mom who is about as good at looking smart as Jessica Alba in The Fantastic Four.
Man, if you're going to vote for McCain and Palin, then whatever. Your choice. But make that choice for the right reasons. Like her not because she looks good but because you think she's capable of being a world player. Personally the idea of her having an active role on the world political stage frightens me.
And I don't even want to think about what the world must be thinking when they look at us right now. Normally this would be one of those times when I say you've got to laugh because what else are you going to do? I can't laugh at this. I can stare dumbfounded. I can be baffled. But I can't laugh. There's nothing even remotely funny here anymore.
It's just sad.
When is morning?
1 week ago
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