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Monday, July 27, 2009

Comic-Con in Pictures

As many folks who like comics, video games, sci-fi, Twilight, movies, and all other things nerdy and geeky all ready know this past weekend was the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con. I guess folks who live in San Diego probably noticed as well.

It was my first year going to SDCC. In fact, it was my first time going to ANY kind of Con. (How does a self-described nerd get away with never attending a convention? Um. Nerdfail?) It was also completely unplanned. I literally found out I’d be able to go a half hour before leaving. A friend and coworker type person had an extra pass and when he realized I wasn’t going… He’s a really, really good friend!

I drove down Thursday night with another friend for Wil Wheaton’s reading at Stone and then made my way to downtown Friday morning. There were many nerdy adventures to be had, a lot of food and beverages, and rather than try and recount it all I’ve decided to just be lazy and share the pictures.

Thursday Night:

Steve and I with Wil Wheaton.

By the time we made it through traffic from LA we had unfortunately missed his reading. But we did get to say hi, drink beer, and watch part of the RiffTrax movie playing in Stone’s garden. All in all a successful evening and a solid start for Nerd Adventures.

Friday & Saturday:

Comic Con

Check out my Comic-Con set on Flickr. It pretty much sums up the weekend. Since I didn’t know I was going until the very last minute I really never made much of a plan of my own. I mostly just tagged along with my friend. Which worked out quite well I think.

If I go again next year (when I go again next year) I will definitely make more of a plan. For the most part I’m not sad I didn’t really go to many panels, the lines were absurd, but there are a few I wish I had tried to check out. And staying Sunday may not have totally sucked.

At the end of the day though it was lovely. The hotel was perfectly situated, the food was tasty, and, most importantly, the company was fantastic. For a first time Comic Con adventure, this was a great way to go.

I’m excited for the possibilities of next year.


People should also really share pictures with me. I want to see evidence of other experiences! Send me links! Email me! Whatever. Share! Please? Pretty please double chocolate fudge ice cream sundae with a cherry on top?

Comic Con

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About This Thing

This blog is about film and life in the wonderful world of LA. I'm a filmmaker just getting started; I'm navigating my way through the industry, trying to find work, and sometimes even managing to make a living.

I've worked across the country on projects big and small. Everything from an indie in PA shot during the dead of winter to one of the bigger reality shows involving Models and the things they do.

I also just love doing things*. I'm a writer, aspiring director, wannabe photographer and cook. I waste too much time on the internet and sometimes all I want to do is hang out with my dog.

Stick around and chances are you'll catch me writing about it all.

*I use the word "thing" a lot. An inappropriate amount. I can't help it. There are just so many different things to talk about. And I just kind of like it.