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Friday, January 02, 2004

Thoughts: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Amazingly enough one of my friends had never seen any of the LOTR movies before last night. And since the plan is to go see Return of the King tonight (yes, I'm going AGAIN) we had to change that. So yeah, we sat down and watched the first two movies. The extended versions. And honestly, I couldn't make it. I passed out during Two Towers at the part where Merry and Pippin meet Treebeard. Last thing I remember is the orc getting squished. And I was trying so hard to stay awake to see the extra scene with the Ent Draft. Oh well, I'll have to try again sometime when we're not starting it at 2 am. Not the best plan with a movie of that length.

Anyways, Fellowship. I really, really liked this one. I know a lot of people who actually pick this one as their favorite but I have a really hard time picking one movie over another, I really like them all. But I do agree that this one was a little better when it came to character development. Which makes sense. And Gandalf had a funner personality. Which also makes sense, especially if you've read the books. And speaking of books this is the only one that I've actually read all the way through so I have fun the entire time comparing the book to the movie. I think Peter Jackson did a really good job so the comparing doesn't make it any less enjoyable for me.

And it just has some really badass parts. Like the battle with Uruk-hai at the end. Aragorn kicks so much ass, as does Legolas. Plus the part with Boromir is so well done. Between that and the part right after where Sam follows Frodo I was definitely teary the first time I saw this. And earlier parts. Rivendell is so cool. I really think the set designs were amazing through all three movies. Rivendell, the Shire, Rhohan, and especially Minis Tirith in the third movie where all fantastic. And I love the Elves. Galadrial is so great, another wonderful casting choice I think. I really like that they extended the part where she gives them all their gifts. That was cool.

I could really keep going on about this movie for a really long time. It's not perfect but that's fine. It's amazing for what it is and I think they did a really good job on the entire trilogy. I'm pretty sure I'll be watching this again in the future so I'll save some comments for then.

Oh, and I also really dig the music. Ok, I'm done now.

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About This Thing

This blog is about film and life in the wonderful world of LA. I'm a filmmaker just getting started; I'm navigating my way through the industry, trying to find work, and sometimes even managing to make a living.

I've worked across the country on projects big and small. Everything from an indie in PA shot during the dead of winter to one of the bigger reality shows involving Models and the things they do.

I also just love doing things*. I'm a writer, aspiring director, wannabe photographer and cook. I waste too much time on the internet and sometimes all I want to do is hang out with my dog.

Stick around and chances are you'll catch me writing about it all.

*I use the word "thing" a lot. An inappropriate amount. I can't help it. There are just so many different things to talk about. And I just kind of like it.