Friday PM:
Shooting was on hiatus last week which meant we were able to get out of the office fairly early on Friday. And by early I mean before 7 PM. It was pretty awesome.

I spent most of the night just hanging out and appropriately enough the one movie I watched was the Reno 911! movie. Not something I bothered to watch previously. I wonder why...
The movie had a few moments that made me giggle but I really don't think Reno is a show that lends itself to the feature format. The improv bits come together nicely in short bursts but over the extended storyline... It was exceptionally silly.
Whatever. There are worse things I could have watched. Like Twilight... (am I going to be attacked by angry tweens if I proclaim my complete disinterest in this film publicly? I said nothing!)
Saturday AM:
Why did I wake up so early??? And why did I spend so much time on the damn couch after actually waking up early? Oh yeah. Headache. Too much beer the night before. Skins!

Oh man, of all the bad TV I watched Saturday morning (there was kind of a lot) I am totally in love with this British import. I <3 BBCA. I can't believe I have to wait for January to Netflix it all. *Sigh* I guess that's what the DVR is for.
Seriously though, if you think the hijinks of Gossip Girl are tasty, please oh please check this silliness out. It's a bunch of British teens drinking and getting high and F'ing. Plus all of the drama and scandal that that all entails.
I watched an episode (or maybe it was two, I'm not sure, I was kind of hazy with the hangover) and baby. I want more!
What else did I watch? Um. I dunno. Some South of Nowhere. A little bit of Pee Wee. Some other nonsense. Skins was all that was really interesting.
Oh wait! I'm a liar. I also watched Friday Night Lights. Now that is an actually quality show. One I'm not ashamed to admit I like (as if I have any shame anyway). I'm so going to Netflix this one.
Saturday PM:
I did some other stuff in the afternoon. Ran some errands. Ate food. You know. Life. Exciting!

Before it was time to go out for the evening I watched one of my Netflix DVDs, The Pillow Book.
The Pillow Book first caught my interest years ago during my Ewan McGregor phase. Mmmm... that was a phase that should have probably never ended. He's so cute.
Anyway. I stuck it on my Netflix queue ages ago as part of my search for really good, sexy films (think of classy stuff along the lines of Y Tu Mama Tambien not porn please). I had this idea in college for having a "Sexy Cinema" themed movie night, that never happened, and I still kind of like the idea. I've yet to put together the perfect list of films but I'm working on it. Suggestions are always welcome!
Sorry, tangent. Back to The Pillow Book. The flick is alright. There are some hot moments, the story is intriguing. I was hoping for more visually but I don't think it quite lives up to the hype. I also found it kind of slow and not in a good way.
Not my favorite movie. But if you want to see more of Ewan's junk (this boy is not shy!), that's one place you won't be disappointed.
Saturday Night:

Hung out with some friends and ended up watching a LOT of Triumph the insult dog from Conan. Not something I would normally sit and watch a lot of but I have to admit the dude is funny. Especially that Star Wars one. I also particularly liked the Hollywood Squares bit. Good times.
I know. I lead a very exciting life.
I slept in Sunday morning which was glorious. It's my favorite way to spend Sundays. I don't get nearly enough sleep. After hardly sleeping Friday night and waking up way too early Sunday, it was nice to spoil myself.
After reading for a while (I finally finished Cormac McCarthy's The Road, which has consequently all ready been adapted into a film due out in '09), getting my car smog check done and grocery shopping, L came over for some lazy TV time. We watched some Oprah, I cooked, K came back from PHX. The Wedding Singer was on TV.

The Wedding Singer is all about nostalgia for me. It's a nostalgia film, made for anyone who has any memory of the 80's. And, ironically perhaps, it's a nostalgia film for me in the sense that it always makes me think of high school. It came out when I was still happily dating my high school EX. He was my first serious relationship and a lot of my high school career involved him. There are a lot of memories, good and bad. It was also during this time when I found myself more seriously invested in film. A lot of movies bring back a lot of memories, again good and bad. It was at his house that I first discovered Kubrick and watched Dr. Strangelove. He was the reason I missed the theatrical re-release of The Exorcist (he wanted to see Deuce Biggolo: Male Giggolo. Again. Don't even get me started on that one!). He loved The Wedding Singer.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the movie. I'd probably enjoy it no matter what. But watching it now for me is never about the eighties jokes or the hair or the bad clothes. It's always a trip down memory lane. It brings back warm fuzzy feelings for a time that I really have no desire to revisit but still occasionally miss.
People who say that high school encompasses the best years of your life are either liars or haven't led very exciting lives. High school was no where near the best years of my life. Neither was college for that matter. But there were certainly good times and good people and every once in a while I don't mind a movie that takes me back there. The Wedding Singer is one of those movies.
Sunday PM:
If The Wedding Singer was the warm and fuzzy part of the evening then this next bit was the "gouge my eyes out" part. Oh no. Someone put on Charm School. You know. The thing on VH1 with Sharon Osbourne and the girlies from Rock of Love.

I have nothing to say about this trash. It was so godawfulbad. Do people like that really exist? Do people really like this show?? Whyyyyyy???
After that I had to save my brain cells somehow. What better way than with Fellini and 8 1/2?
Yes. I know. I'm a snob.

I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of Italian cinema is sadly lacking. I have a cursory acquaintance with most of the big names: Fellini, De Sica, Antonioni, etc but I have not seen nearly enough. I'm using Netflix to reconcile this sad lack and fill the gap.
I have to say, I loved 8 1/2. I think it's a beautiful film that captures filmmaking so neatly. It's true that there are many insider jokes, but I don't think it's so obtuse that people will be left out. I mean, as long as you like old Italian flicks.
It's such an intriguing mix of memory, fantasy, and reality. Where do the lines end? Guido is great. He's such a Man/Boy. Trying to make life fit his fantasy, to make his film fit his memories, to make his fantasy his film. To have it all either fall apart or come together, depending on how you look at it.
This film frequently finds itself at the top of Best Of Lists. You better believe there's a good reason for it. What I wouldn't give to see a print of this in a theater. If anyone hears of a screening in the LA area, please let me know.
On The Slate:
You may have noticed that I still haven't seen Quantum of Solace. I know, excuses. But my parent's have seen it either and they like the Bond stuff and I'll be home for Thanksgiving. So that's now the plan.
Coming from Netflix: Play Misty for Me and Day for Night. Eastwood and Truffaut. I sort of have mixed feelings about Truffaut so I'm especially curious to check this one out. I'm also continuing with the theme of artsy meta-filmic flicks. I'm getting my film nerd on hardcore. Go me?
Oh girl, so many thoughts.
A) Friday Night Lights fucking rules. Matt Saracen's grandma girl, Matt Saracen's grandma.
B) I totally remember Sexy Movie Night and still sometimes attempt to curate it in my head. Thinking about it lead me to watch Last Tango in Paris last week on Netflix, but I fell asleep about twenty minutes in.
C) Truffaut is a turd.
A) I'm so excited for it! You can bet I have big plans for that over the holiday. I've heard about this grandma of which you speak. Excited man. Excited.
B) Next time we see each we should make Sexy Movie Night happen. For real this time.
I got Last Tango from Netflix last year, watched about two thirds of it, and then the DVD stopped playing. I sent it back and they gave me a replacement but I just never got back into it. Have you seen it all the way through?
4) HA!
I don't know why I just typed 4 instead of C. It's just that kind of day.
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