Here it is, a week into November, and I'm finally making my return to weekend writing! It's been an interesting few months. Interesting... There has been a lot going on with work and life. Last week I transition from one job to another and it now seems like I may actually have time for a life again. Yay!
I like having a life.
Friday PM:
After a late night at work I decided to relax with a couple of episodes of Dexter. After friends have been recommending it to me for years, I finally started watching season one. I only planned on watching an episode or two and then going to bed.
I curled up in bed, hit play on my laptop, and... nine episodes later my roommate was leaving for her Saturday morning marathon training and I thought it might be a good idea to hit stop. So much for one or two episodes. I guess you could say it sucked me in.
While there are a few moments where the production values took me out of the show (what was up with the sound design in the hockey arena???), overall this show is awesome. Hey Netflix, can you mae Season 2 available for instant watching? Thanks!
Also, Netflix making it's streaming video watcher available for Mac users is one the best things that's happened for my movie watching in a long time. It's what got me to finally return to Netflix after I put my account on hold several months ago. I missed my Netflix.
After finishing Dexter I decided that it was time to catch up on some Gossip Girl. I missed all of October so I had a few episodes to catch up on.
GG is one of my guilty pleasures. It can be so bad but it tastes so good! Season two has had its ups and downs. I loved the Shakespearean flavor to Chuck and Blair's plan to humiliate Vanessa but was disappointed in the subplot's execution. Dan's been kind of annoying but I'm loving everything Jenny. Tomorrow's episode looks to be pretty hot.
And who knows, maybe I'll actually be out of work early enough to watch it! Imagine that!
Saturday PM:
Saturday night I passed on party plans and instead committed my evening to finally watching David Fincher's True Crime thriller Zodiac. Burritos, Sangria, and serial killers, what more could you ask for in an evening?
I'm still a little torn on how I feel about the movie. It had moments that really got me but overall I found it lacking. The pacing at the beginning is awkward and I didn't really get into it until at least a third of the way into it. I did enjoy it though and L and K seemed to like it a lot so there you go.
On The Slate:
Quantum of Solace baby! Need I say more?
The Goblin Toymakers
4 weeks ago
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