Two little bits I found whilst perusing Hollywood Reporter's website.
The first is that L.A. Confidential will be getting a special edition DVD come September. While I normally am less than excited by so-called "Special Editions" this one actually sounds like it could be pretty cool.
Hollywood Reporter Article.
The features sound interesting and I'm tickled by the idea of a commentary by critic Andrew Sarris. I have a feeling I'll probably end up purchasing this one.
The other news is bigger and even more exciting.
I get to mention once again Medicine For Melancholy. I heard the news last night thanks to a Myspace bulletin but it's still really cool to see it making actual Hollywood Reporter news.
M4M has been picked up by IFC!
I'm completely psyched for Justin and Cherie and everyone else. I have a damn good idea of how much work they all put into this film. It's just great to see their commitment and dedication rewarded.
If you're in LA you should definitely venture out to the LA Film Fest this weekend and check it out! I can't wait to see it tomorrow.
IFC Films picks up 'Melancholy'
The LA Film Festival
And that's what I've got for now. Back to work!
When is morning?
1 week ago
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