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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Can't Wait For A Scanner

Warning, I'm very rambly tonight. In that I ramble a lot. Rambly isn't really a word guys, I just made that up. In case you were wondering.


I can do only so much with the camera on my cell phone. My scanning abilities will be returning shortly though! We are all very excited for this, no? And yes, that's supposed to be me. There is more that goes along with that! Like, a whole story about how I got stuck in a tree! See why I need a scanner???

It's the Thinking Mud Puppy. Did anyone else know that mud puppies are stupidly adorable? I mean, my thinking man kind of moved away from adorable. But check this guy out:  

Cute right?

Then there's the unstoppable partners Cobra and Shark. Great White Shark to be exact.

I have to admit that these guys were super fun to sketch. I mean come on, the guy has a cobra for a necktie. The guy is a Great White Shark! With an Indian Cobra tie (the only cobra long enough for the Windsor knot, apparently).

I have odd friends with bizarre ideas. I love it.

Hey! Other stuff!

My friend Lauren talked about cool t-shirts over here.

If you're in LA you should check out Little Radio and the stuff that they do. I went out to their September Camp on Sunday in downtown and it was pretty great. Good music, tasty food and beverages, a pool... I believe it was the last of the Summer Camp events but they're around doing other stuff. Totally worth the time and $10.

Spotted this guy on the street walking up to the Little Radio thing.

It's a Green Pussy Monster? Um. Okay, I may have just wanted an excuse to call something a Pussy Monster on my blog. It also kind of looks like a weird cactus thing but that might just be me.

Moving on in the rambly...

Am I the only one who thought the True Blood season finale on Sunday was a little bit of a let down? Not that it was terrible... but... I just feel like it could have been so much more. I think that Maryanne storyline was dragged out way too much. There just wasn't enough there to be interesting for as long as they tried to keep it interesting.

I hate to end this on a sad note and unless you're living under a rock you've probably all ready heard, but Patrick Swayze died today of cancer at 57. It's not a huge shock as he had been sick for quite sometime but it's sad nonetheless. I still have a huge crush on Dirty Dancing Patrick. I probably always will.

Good man, Patrick. Good man.


Cat said...

I had no idea about mud puppies. I want to pet it, lol.

RIP Swayze.

TheLadysRevenge said...

I didn't know a mud puppy was either! I had to google, it's true. Admittedly there are less cute ones out there. But this guy is great!

About This Thing

This blog is about film and life in the wonderful world of LA. I'm a filmmaker just getting started; I'm navigating my way through the industry, trying to find work, and sometimes even managing to make a living.

I've worked across the country on projects big and small. Everything from an indie in PA shot during the dead of winter to one of the bigger reality shows involving Models and the things they do.

I also just love doing things*. I'm a writer, aspiring director, wannabe photographer and cook. I waste too much time on the internet and sometimes all I want to do is hang out with my dog.

Stick around and chances are you'll catch me writing about it all.

*I use the word "thing" a lot. An inappropriate amount. I can't help it. There are just so many different things to talk about. And I just kind of like it.