I awoke this morning to my phone ringing merrily next to my ear, my mother calling to see if I wanted to see Avatar tonight. I mumbled something back that translated to "Yes, of course." Twenty minutes later when she called back with a show time, after I had managed to wake up a little, I advised her to go ahead and get the tickets online if she could. And to make sure she was getting the ones for the 3D IMAX. There had been two things I'd heard about Avatar over the course of the week. 1) Showtimes were selling out like crazy and 2) make sure you get the full visual experience in the IMAX.
Both, it turns out, are true. When we arrived at the theater (an unplanned hour early thanks to a fast dinner) the 7 PM show was sold out. When we walked inside, there was also already a line filling up the hallway for theater one. Guess it was lucky we were so early. Not a huge fan of waiting in lines but when they finally let us in we were able to get great seats just where I like to sit in a theater (in the middle, about two thirds back). So I guess that makes it worth it.
There were a few trailers, warnings that they were not, in fact, enhanced for IMAX, and then finally the words popped up on the screen. "Please put on your 3D glasses." Another trailer or two (Alice in Wonderland, not so excited about) and then it was time to begin. Credits. Voice Over. Spaceships. Game on.
Now here's the thing. I'm not really interested in writing a full review of Avatar. The story is okay. It has its problems, its cliches. Some moments are trite, some are painfully familiar as we've seen it all told before, some of it just silly. If this movie was anything less than what it is, it wouldn't be all that great.
What is it then? It's a spectacle. A delightful, sensational technological visual wonderland designed to make the audience "Oooh" and "Aaah" and it really, really, really works. James Cameron proves his mettle as a filmmaker. And the result is so very pretty.
My reaction upon walking out of the theater: "Squee!"
Of course I would have loved a little bit more going on with the story but whatever. I went to see Avatar to see what it would look like, to experience the potential of what 3D and IMAX can be, and in that it does not disappoint in the slightest. For my expectations, I got what I was hoping to get. I'm pleased with that. I'm happy with what it is. I don't know if I'd want to pay to see it again but I'm very, very glad I did see it this once. In the 3D. In the IMAX. It's made for that, that's how you should see it to experience it fully.
Avatar is eye candy and it is super delicious.
And now that that's out of the way, hopefully I'll be able to get a few more films on my "Want to (NEED to) See" List knocked out this week.
Currently on the list:
An Education
Me and Orson Welles
A Serious Man
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Did make it to It's Complicated on Friday which is cute, Meryl Streep is wonderful as always. Also planning on seeing Sherlock Holmes just cause. RDJ. Yeah....
When is morning?
1 week ago
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