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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Unemployment Thursday

Today is not a good day in unemployment land. It's been one of those days where the light seems to have gone out of the tunnel entirely, where there is no end. I'll spare you the details but basically I started the day feeling like I was having a financial meltdown. Everything is overwhelming, I'll never get things straightened out, I will be broke forever, etc. etc. etc. Of course it's never as bad as all that but some days it takes a lot to convince yourself things will be okay.

The frustrating thing here is that it feels like I every time I start to get a handle on things, every time I can maybe get ahead, something will happen and there will be a set back and I never get anywhere. Stuck perpetually in the same hole. It never gets deeper but it's impossible to get out of nonetheless.

I feel this way. I know that it's really not as awful as it feels on the bad days. I'll feel better tomorrow. I'll feel even better than that on Saturday. Then next thing I know I'll get a job, things will work out. It's the cycle, it's how it goes.

This week is probably particularly bad since we're also dealing with finding a new roommate to join us here in Bonaparte house. We'll be losing one at the end of the month, in three weeks actually, and neither myself or K are particularly happy about. We love J, we're sad to lose her, and the task of finding someone to fill her shoes is going to be huge. If you happen to know anyone looking for a place in LA, we've got an open room! Our Craigslist ad.

I should be sharing fun links, babbling about how pleased I am that I actually finished my NaNoWriMo novel, talking about other pleasant things. Will you forgive me if I don't? I have to admit I'm lacking in energy at the moment. I promise I will do better next time!

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About This Thing

This blog is about film and life in the wonderful world of LA. I'm a filmmaker just getting started; I'm navigating my way through the industry, trying to find work, and sometimes even managing to make a living.

I've worked across the country on projects big and small. Everything from an indie in PA shot during the dead of winter to one of the bigger reality shows involving Models and the things they do.

I also just love doing things*. I'm a writer, aspiring director, wannabe photographer and cook. I waste too much time on the internet and sometimes all I want to do is hang out with my dog.

Stick around and chances are you'll catch me writing about it all.

*I use the word "thing" a lot. An inappropriate amount. I can't help it. There are just so many different things to talk about. And I just kind of like it.